The Middle School
Our core program is a vibrant, rigorous middle school that also ensures social/emotional support, physical fitness, and exploration of future opportunities.
A rigorous academic curriculum taught through a social justice lens is enriched by the arts, wellness programs, and social/ emotional learning.
The School Day
Thoughtful routines create a sense of community and belonging, and support each girl’s development of confidence and competence.
Our clubs and teams help girls discover strengths and talents outside the academic program, and have fun in the process!
Gathering as a community at rituals and assemblies, we celebrate our history, the changing of the seasons, and the growth of each girl as she makes her journey through Sophia Academy and beyond.
From the neighborhood library to Roger Williams Park Zoo, Mt. Monadnock, the United Nations, and the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, we make learning relevant by connecting classroom to community.